"Handia" es una película rodada en euskera y ambientada en el siglo XIX. Dirigida por Aitor Arregi y Jon Garaño, ha conseguido diez premios Goya en la edición de 2018 de los galardones de la Academia de Cine española. El título significa “grande”en euskera y está basada en hechos reales: La vida de Joaquín Eleicegui originario de Altzo en Guipuzcoa, País Vasco.
En septiembre de 2017 se presentó en el festival de cine de San Sebastián y despertó ya una gran expectación porque forma parte del folclore popular del País Vasco
(Basque Language)
(Basque Language)
XIX. mendean Europako pertsonarik
altuena, dakigunez behintzat, gipuzkoarra zen: Migel Joaquin Eleizegi, Altzoko erraldoia izenez ezaguna
Eleizegi 1818ko uztailaren 10ean jaio zen. Esaten
dutenez, beste haur guztien pareko haurtzaroa izan zuen baina, 20 urte zituela, eritasun larri bat pairatu
zuen, akromegalia, eta eritasun horren eraginez, izugarri hazi zen 2 metro 42
cm-ra arte.
Horren gizon altuak auzokoen jakin-mina piztu
zuen garai hartan eta oso famatu egin zen: garai hartako show businessaren
esparruko gizon azti batek berarekin eraman zuen, Europa osoan zehar erakusteko.Dakigunez, hazten jarraitu zuen hil arte. 1861 ean hil
zen, 43 urte zituela.
Donostiako San Telmo Museoan hainbat
bitxikeria daude: argazki eta grabatu batzuk, bere larruzko eskuzorro bat eta
esertzeko erabiltzen zuen aulkia.
San Telmo Museum is showing “Handia”, a film
about the life of this extraordinary figure, and hosting an exhibition of his
personal possessions.
Miguel Joaquin de Eleicegui was born in 1818 on
a farm called Ipintza in Altzo, a rural district near Tolosa (Gipuzkoa-Basque
Country). Although he had a normal childhood and adolescence, he suffered a
serious illness at the age of twenty which caused him to grow suddenly and unnaturally.
Seeing an opportunity to capitalize on his
exceptional height, his father, brother, and a friend from a nearby town,
toured Spain and Europe displaying him in public. On his travels, he is recorded
to have met Queen Isabella II in Madrid, King Louis-Philippe in France, Queen
Maria I in Portugal and Queen Victoria in England. An imposing figure of a man,
he was very popular in his day and legends abound, further enhancing he myth.
He was reputed to eat as much as three men and drink up to twenty litres of cider. A hat, pair of gloves, shoe, chair, and drawing owned by the gigant can be seen in the permanent exhibition at San Telmo Museum, San Sebastian. In his native town of Altzo, visitors can tour the places he used to frequent and see the notch which marks his height in the atrium of the church.
Parte de los objetos que se pueden ver en la exposición del Muso de San Telmo de San Sebastián
He was reputed to eat as much as three men and drink up to twenty litres of cider. A hat, pair of gloves, shoe, chair, and drawing owned by the gigant can be seen in the permanent exhibition at San Telmo Museum, San Sebastian. In his native town of Altzo, visitors can tour the places he used to frequent and see the notch which marks his height in the atrium of the church.
Parte de los objetos que se pueden ver en la exposición del Muso de San Telmo de San Sebastián
Fotografia: Ricardo Iriarte
Magnífica fotografía y música hacen de este trabajo una obra que no os podeis perder
Os dejo con un trailer de la película:
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